Winter Solstice, The Turning of the Wheel

Winter Solstice-The Turning of the Wheel,  Time to Prepare To Heal

By Sue J Morris

Equinoxes and Solstices are turning points in the solar year. These “turning of the wheel” times mark the beginning of the seasons, symbolizing changes in direction, shifts in focus, reviews of perspective, altered energy patterns and time for new intentions. On Dec 21st, 2019 at 11:19pm the Sun will enter Capricorn, beginning this years winter season. The Winter Solstice, also known as midwinter or yule, is one of four turning points in the solar year, a time of the longest night and the shortest day when the Sun reaches its most southerly declination. The term 'solstice' derives from the Latin word 'solstitium', meaning 'Sun standing still'. On this day the Sun seems to stand still at the Tropic of Capricorn and then reverses its direction as it reaches its southernmost position as seen from the Earth. On the winter solstice the Sun enters Capricorn, a cardinal earth sign, ruled by the planet Saturn. The Saturnalia, once the most popular holiday on the ancient Roman calendar, derived from older farming-related rituals of midwinter and the winter solstice, especially the practice of offering gifts or sacrifices to the gods during the winter sowing season. (1)The holiday was celebrated with a sacrifice at the Temple of Saturn, followed by a feast, gift giving and a lot of partying! 

Cultures around the globe celebrate the Winter Solstice with feasts and holidays, fire and light. Lighting fires symbolises the heat and light of the returning sun. The pre-Christian feast of Juul (Yule) was celebrated by burning a yule log, symbolic of the coming light and the warmth of the Sun that will come, enabling growth during the warmer seasons.  We rejoice in the return of the Sun (the Son). As the Sun begins its ascent this year we celebrate the turning of the wheel. This will begin the time not only of the seasonal change but also a time to prepare for many other changes on the horizon. 

This winter solstice, is an auspicious time to consider the days ahead, the celebrations and gift giving followed by short days and long nights of quiet contemplation. What gifts have we shared, what sacrifices must be made at the Temple of Saturn. Healers may see this as the ideal time to  consider who and what may be in need of healing and how different healing modalities may provide a much needed source of comfort and strength in the days to come. 

2020 is predicted to herald in a time of great global change. Seen through the astrological lens, 2020 signals a time where rare major astrological events are likely to reshape the world. In early January 2020 there will be a historic line-up of planets involving Pluto, Ceres, Saturn and Mercury in Capricorn. 2020 and the years that follow will be known for its Capricorn themes of intense contraction and issues related to integrity, structural and personal. Limitations and a period of profound transformation for basic realities will be hard to avoid. In astrological terms, Saturn represents in part, the principles of karma, time, structure, stability, boundaries and commitment. Traveling through his own sign of Capricorn since December 2017, Saturn’s principles of boundaries, drawing lines, setting limits, and endings, be they political, geo political, or personal will be felt by all one way or another. The coming transits herald significant upcoming global issues bound to signify change on many levels.  We will be facing  the end of an era leading to the beginning of a new one. I remain cautiously optimistic that the coming changes will ultimately be beneficial. Can we live with integrity and hold the space of the world with open hearts and minds?  This winter offers an important time for self-awareness and preparation for the likely changes in the world order.  Healers benefit from contemplating the needs of who and what will be in need of healing in the days to come. 

How can we be present and prepared for the future? Those who work in the capacity as healers will find this is an appropriate time to contemplate the future needs of what healing will most likely be needed for all living things, including the overall life of the planet. Food, shelter, security, safety and freedom are universal needs. (Issues of food security are of most concern to me). Healers who use their gifts to aid others must  contemplate and reflect on the likely distress and dis-eases people and the planet will most likely be suffering from in the days to come. A healers role is to guide people to heal themselves. What basic needs are healers likely to find the people of the world in most in need of?  

The upcoming astrological transits are forecast to show physical, emotional, and global structures under pressure, systems breaking down and failing. What is standing now may very well be collapsed and gone before our eyes in the coming years. Healers must be especially prepared to serve, finding new ways to alleviate human suffering, and begin to sow the seeds for healing the world. 

Rest and prepare yourselves this winter for the needs of the future. Long term shifts will affect us all differently, depending on our attitudes, fortitude and preparedness. As I look ahead I take account of the ways in which I can prepare. The first is the awareness that change is coming. The second is storing a lot of herbs. Climate change is unpredictable and whether we face floods or  droughts I aim to have a lot of herbs stored as my community may well be in need. I hold the belief that being prepared with basic herbal medicine is a good idea no matter what the future holds. 

The once every 20 year Jupiter-Saturn conjunction, exact on December 21st 2020 will be in Aquarius, marking another major shift of historic importance. Following the Saturn-Pluto in Capricorn conjunction in 2020, the upcoming Jupiter-Saturn conjunction on the next winter solstice will be in Aquarius, an air sign. This may very well lead to more Aquarian egalitarian ideals. Cycling from Jupiter-Saturn conjunctions in earth signs since 1802, the shift to air signs in 2020 will last until 2059. This shift may herald in the end of heavy earth energy and begins the age of air energy. This is a time when shifts in ideas, technology, the ways we communicate, travel, global politics, environmental and economic issues, leadership questions will refocus the way we live. 

We can prepare for learning about and practicing new forms of healing. The restructuring of personal power will shape our world on the healing level. Powerful new forms of healing may well be ushered in.   Moving consciously toward positive change makes us more powerful beings. 

People, let’s start helping each other! Let’s build on the new structures and adjust to the global shifts, positively embracing the new era as the dawning of a new age. As the sun begins its ascent on this winter solstice may we all ascend in consciousness, and benefit from these new cycles. May we all find ways to heal ourselves and each other.



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