Mushrooms of Immortality-Reishi and Chaga Mushroom Tincture
Medicinal Mushroom Tinctures
Medicinal Mushroom Tinctures
Medicinal mushrooms and mushroom extracts have long been known for their beneficial healing properties, their usage dating back thousands of years in ancient Chinese Medicine. Ganoderma Lucidum, or Reishi mushrooms, were used in ancient Chinese medicine for a variety of powerful healing purposes, treating many systems in the body as an adaptagenic tonic, meaning treating the body where healing is needed. Medicinal mushrooms have played a role in indigenous cultures from Siberia to North America, Asia to South and Central America for tens of thousands of years. Chinese medicine gives written references for many different fungi, detailing their use for respiratory ailments, debility and cancer. Different mushrooms are known for having varying healing properties. One of the great longevity tonics of Chinese Medicine is the Ganoderma Reishi Mushroom, known as the Mushroom of Immortality. Reishi mushrooms are found in North America and Asia . They are known to be powerfully anti-oxidant and liver-protective, and helping to slow the processes of aging, thus why they are referred to as the “mushroom of immortality”. Reishi is also known as the “divine” fungus and the immortality plant, legendary for its medicinal benefits and spiritual or sacred properties. Ganoderma mushroom is the number one selling herbal product in Asia. Its benefits are well researched around the world. There are numerous clinical trials confirming applicability of medicinal mushrooms and their extracts as components of modern anticancer chemotherapy.
Mushrooms have many important therapeutic actions. They are highly valued as quality medicine, thus in great demand around the world. In light of this I went in search of and found these potent remedies in the mountains of northern Pennsylvania, The Pennsylvania Wilds, where I live. My passion for herbal medicine and many years of experiece crafting plant-based remedies have inspired me to make medicinal mushroom tinctures with the Reishi and Chaga mushrooms found in the northern forest of central Pennsylvania. I think this is some of the most important plant-based medicine to be made available with the added benefit of having virtually no known side effects. And a little goes a long way.
Let’s take a look a the legendary powers of these potent mushrooms.
Let’s begin with the role fungi or mushrooms play in nature. Fungi live on rotten logs. They break down trees and other forms of life living on the forest floor. They are decomposers, liberating nutrients from the trees. Decomposers are an integral part of ecosystems because they recycle dead and decaying organic matter. Well, that is what mushrooms do in our intestines! Mushrooms help to break down food and liberate nutrients. Our large intestine is like the forest floor where the body absorbs through the veins of the liver the nutrients released through digestion in the decomposing process. So mushrooms have a liberating effect, stimulating movement and cleaning out the colon. This GI tract cleansing aids the digestive tract, building digestive fire, improving digestion and our immune system. Just as mushrooms on the forest floor or on dead tree stumps penetrate deeper layers of hard material like wood, they penetrate deeper layers of tissue in our bodies, and are well known for inhibiting the growth of tumors.
Fungal polysaccharides (long chains of simple sugars) have been linked to an immune-modulating effect involving the activation of defense cells such as macrophages and the reduction of damaging inflammation.
There are wide ranging benefits to the use of medicinal mushrooms, Reishi and Chaga being two very well-studied cancer fighting mushrooms.
Medicinal mushrooms are immune enhancing, immune-modulating, anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic. This means that they build and balance the immune system.
Reishi and Chaga mushrooms are used for reducing cardiovascular risk factors such as high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and chronic degenerative conditions of the cardiovascular system. Used for treatment of pancreatic condtions such as blood sugar and diabetic conditions, liver conditions, bile flow and good colon health, these powerful mushrooms also have a neuroprotective quality, meaning they protect the brain from toxins and degenerative conditions.
One of the most valuable uses for the medicinal mushrooms is that they are used to counteract the side effects of chemotherapy, such as nausea, and detoxify the toxic drugs and the breakdown of cancer itself.
Studies have shown that the therapeutic agents in the mushrooms are anti-carcinogenic, with potent antitumor activity. If you are suffering from the side effects of chemotherapy or radiation, this is a simple and effective remedy to help you get through the treatment.
Chaga mushrooms have a particular affinity to stimulate the immune response while lowering inflammation, making it an adaptogen, aiding the body as needed to restore appropriate functioning of the immune system. Chaga are powerful anti-oxidants, used for improving cognitive function and memory loss. Chaga is a vital source of plant sterols which reduce bad LDL cholesterol, stabalize blood pressure and aids the endocrine system. Chaga is known to improve the immune response, lower high blood sugar and combat abdormal and mutagenic cell growth. It is an anti-inflammatory, relieving pain. Chaga helps to purify the blood and protect the liver.
If you have stress, respiratory ailments, cardiovascular disease, digestive problems, allergies, low energy, diabetes, poor appetite, poor memory, cancer or seem to be sick all of the time due to a poor immune system, the adaptogenic properties of medicinal mushrooms are immensely beneficial.
Chaga is rich in phytonutrients, plant-based nutrition.
Chaga is delicious too.
Here at Sue’s Salves we are creating double extraction tinctures, meaning we first extract the medicinal components of the mushroom through an alcohol extraction, followed by a water extraction process, harvesting as much of the medicinal properties of the mushrooms as possible. We thank the forest for its gifts, grateful to be able to create potent, natural, earth based tinctures, remedies having so many benefits with virtually no known side effects. The dire need for natural remedies is needed now more than ever.
“With Nature Powerful Healing is Possible”
Chaga Tincture
Reishi Tincture
“Crafted into easy to use tinctures, suitable for long-term use for prevention and treatment of many health issues.”